Writing every day in November as part of National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) eventually becomes routine. You realise that you can actually do this, and do it well, and so you do. Normally, mid way through November I start thinking about after November. You might not be there yet but you’ll get there soon. So what happens after Nanowrimo?
Imho it’s important to at least take, say, a day or two to recompose yourself after Nanowrimo. I do this whenever I finish a draft. If you’re anything like me you’re going to feel a little verbally confused at the end. Not quite at a loss for words but definitely having some verbal amnesia.
This is normal (for me, so it must be normal, right?). Taking a quick break is normal too. You can either stop writing completely for a few days or work on something else. Sometimes after Nanowrimo I’m so fired up I have to keep writing so I open up a new document and go to town on something entirely different. 📒
After a few weeks (or whenever you feel comfortable!) you can review what just happened in November with fresh eyes. Don’t be too hard on yourself — you essential just spent thirty days speed typing so some mistakes are okay. Generally I sift through everything looking for fun ideas or plot points. Because I’m a pantser most of Nanowrimo is un-useable in its basic form but the ideas are there, maybe even vast sections of plot. So I use everything to plan my next moves.
I think December is a great time to rediscover your passion for writing and to take things slower if you want! I still like to write but there’s something great about relaxing for a few weeks and letting yourself chill as you write. I use the month to rediscover my enjoyment of writing and to lighten up on the pressure a little bit. I’m great at pressuring myself — maybe a little too great — and when I force myself to write 6000 words a day what happens is eventually I burn out. That kind of pace can be great fun! And is fab for finishing rewrites. But that kind of pace is definitely not a forever pace. There’s something very zen about taking your time occasionally. It helps me to really think. 😎