A few weeks ago, maybe a month even, I happened upon author, extraordinaire, and genuinely kind human being Tommy Donbavand thanks to the power of twitter.
The thing about Tommy is he’s battling cancer right now, like genuinely as I type this the game is afoot. I know this because he blogs about it every single day — and from the fitting and refitting of the radiotherapy mask to stomach smoothies to artificial saliva I’m trying to be there for him too in a way I know I’m good at (reading).

It’s taking everything out of him to fight the cancer (although he’s doing it all with such a lot of good humour and spirit). During chemo he’s been told writing is off the menu in the lengthy hours that treatments take and school visits have been put on hold. That means earning a living (or at least 50% of it) is off the table too, for now. And the thing about Tommy is he’s also more than his cancer. He’s author of books (over 100 of them!) that are heartwarming and funny. He’s the type of author I like to think we all aspire to be. He has kindness written into his bones. He has determination etched into his heart. He writes to make the world a better place.

On his website Tommy talks a lot about his experiences. I’ll be honest I’m really mostly a lurker on his website. I like to think just by reading I’m sending my support —  I cried when he wrote about his son, and how proud he was of Arran, and I’ve laughed a lot too even through my tears reading his blog — but now it’s time to do something bigger. Now it’s time to do what I know I can, what we all can.

[su_animate type=”tada” duration=”3″ delay=”0″]It’s time for a mother flipping blog tour.[/su_animate]

Organised by the fabulous soul Vivienne Dacosta, June is about to become all about the TommyVcancer blog tour! For 30 days myself (and others) will read and review books written by Tommy. It’ll be a chance for you to try before you buy, and maybe consider helping supplement Tommy’s income by buying a few a+ books, subscribing to his patreon (it’s super good value! From just £1 a month, Tommy will send you exclusive written content, including short stories and articles), and show your support for Tommy in his battle. Take a look at the fabulous line up below!

Tommy Tour 4

Keep an eye out for posts, I’m up on the 24th June and, obvs, there’ll be 30 days of other fabulous content! If you’re on twitter 30 June 8-9pm GMT too join Vivienne and Chelley and all the gang for a twitter chat on #tommyvcancer! I’m super excited to post my review! It’s going to be a treat.



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